Back At It

I’m back at my desk after a lovely holiday break. On one hand, this is great because I’m happy to be back and ready to take the new year head on. On the other, I’ve forgotten nearly everything I once knew about what was going on, so a lot of that clear-headed optimism will be expended remembering the details around what I do for a living.

I slept badly. I was concerned about the risks associated with not sleeping well before retuning to work, which of course created a level of anxiety strong enough to ensure the very consequences I had intended to avoid. I love irony as much as the next guy, but it looses its charm when confronted at three-thirty in the morning through bleary, sleep-deprived eyes. I don’t think I’m alone here. The first day back from holiday vacation must be one of the least productive of the year. It’s like everyone is onboarding all over again.